2019 National Championships – RSAYS
The 2019 National Flying Fifteen Championships will be held at the Royal South Australian Yacht Squadron in Adelaide between Saturday December 29, 2018 and Saturday January 5, 2019.
Entries close on November 30, although late entries may be accepted (for an additional fee) after that date.
The event should provide some interesting and challenging sailing; conditions in Adelaide during that time can range from extremely light to strong sea breezes similar to those we experience here in the West. 13 boats from WA have already committed to making the trip across the Nullarbor, making up more than half the fleet. Some are transporting boats via container – others are planning to drive. There should be quite a convoy heading across just after Christmas.
The event is a qualifying event for the 2019 Worlds in Dun Laoghaire in Ireland. Australia will only be allocated 12 places in the World Championships, and the Australian team will be selected based on the results achieved in Adelaide. Hopefully we will see quite a few WA boats in the team.
For more information on the event (including the Notice of Race and information on accommodation options etc.), to enter or view entries, visit https://www.rsays.com.au/racing/2019-flying-fifteen-regatta/