How the battle was ended
El Toro AUS 3933 Grant Alderson and Dean McAullay win the 2016 Flying Fifteen State Championship.
A recap on the final two days sailing.
‘Young guns’ Lachy Gilmour and Ryan Donaldson led the Flying Fifteen State Championships after day two of the three day regatta with two races to be completed. ‘El Toro’ Grant Alderson and Dean McAullay were second, three points behind Lachy and Ryan sailing one of John Wilsons’ ‘Fast Lane fleet boats’. ‘Tuffan Up’ David Yu and Chris Nelson were sitting in third on 18 points. While ‘Glamour Buoys’ Greg Leaversuch and Peter Barblett in fourth place on 26 points.
‘Ineffable’ Nick and Janet Jerwood the current title holders, husband and wife team, carrying a U flag DSQ from day one and an OCS on day two. A first and second result on the final day of the regatta couldn’t get them in the top three leaving ‘El Toro’ to take the silver ware.
Sailing conditions on day one and two were light, shifty south easterly conditions with plenty of rain and breeze strengths of 5 – 10 knots. Sailors becoming a little frustrated and disappointed with U flag disqualifications and OCS results.
With a passing storm on day three the weather finally gave sailors what they wanted, a strong 15 – 20 knot breeze for the last day of sailing and final two races. The southerly was a chilly cold breeze with sailors coming off the water wet and tired.
With the strong southerly ‘El Toro’, the talented ‘Ineffable’ husband and wife team along with the ‘Glamour Buoys’ bolted to the front of the fleet in both races on the final day of sailing. ‘Young Guns’ Lachy and Ryan fell back in the fleet with a thirteen and fifth for their final two scores. Lachy and Ryan coached by Peter Gilmour on the final days sailing finished in second place in the regatta, seven points behind ‘El Toro’ Grant and Dean. Well done to the Young Guns in the Flying Fifteen fleet.
‘Glamour Buoys’ with power and determination completed the last day of the regatta with a fourth and a seven securing them in third place overall.
‘Changing Lanes’ from Esperance sailed by David Swan and Matt Elliott completed the regatta in sixth place just behind ‘Ineffable’. Other sailors travelling many hours across our vast state to attend the regatta were Rob Donaldson and Ryan Norris also from Esperance, Albany husband and wife team Simon and Aileen Lucas and Geraldton sailors Mark Millman and Kit Lambert (Walkabout President Award winners) and Wayne Hudson and Trina Vasic.
The new couple on the block ‘A Squared’ Anne and Andrew Knowles showed great form, team work and skill to finish the regatta in ninth and third on consistency. Not bad for a light weight crew with husband Andrew calling the shots getting ‘A Squared’ around the course.
At the other end of the age spectrum life member Nils Blumman finish in second place on consistency and ‘She who must be obeyed’ John and Tony took out the winnings with a first on consistency.
After boats where packed up and many taken back to their respective clubs sailors enjoyed a wonderful presentation dinner at Royal Freshwater Bay Yacht Club. Hamish Carnachan (RFBYC fleet rep), Grant Alderson (Para Olympic coach/Life Member of FFIWA) and Tim Bussemaker (President FFIWA) delivered a presentation not to be forgotten with beautiful keepers trophies organised by Phillipa Packer and Royal Freshwater Bay Yacht Club.
The famous Walkabout Series was also presented with ‘Spot the Difference’ in first place, ‘Ineffable’ second and ‘Yes, No, Maybe’ in third. The Silver division was awarded to ‘Eagle Eye’ Karen and Russell Dawes and the Presidents Award going to ‘Mr. Fox’ Mark Millman and Kit Lambert.
Like always the sailing was run exceptionally well on the water by John Taylor and his race team. The beverages each night after sailing and the famous Friday night seafood BBQ couldn’t be delivered without the support and generous grant sponsorship of John Wilson and Gemmill Homes.