Another day of spills for ‘TIE Ffighter’

Tim Putt crew of The Ffighter

There was plenty of sailors who knew the weather wouldn’t let them down after a wet, stormy Saturday the clouds parted for a sunny Sunday afternoon for Solo Series No. 3, with a gentle 15 – 18 knot south westerly breeze. The water was a little chilly but if you stayed on the boat it wasn’t a problem.

Unfortunately Ben Roodhouse and Tim Putt sailing AUS 2907 TIE Ffighter know all about getting wet. The second Solo Series saw crew Tim take a dip in a 25 knot breeze down wind leg to find himself dragging along hanging on to the jib sheet while skipper Ben thought quickly to do a granny gybe to catapult Tim back on the boat to finish the race.

Skipper Ben may not joke about wearing swimming caps again after his swim on race one of  Solo Series No 3.

Rounding the bottom mark on the final lap to the finish Ben launches himself out of the boat! Tim turns to discover his skipper in the water waving the tiler in the air. Thanks to support boat sitting at the bottom mark Ben was retrieved from the chilly water, we heard Ben didn’t even get his hair wet. The Fighter was towed back to shore with both crew safely on dry ground. Well done boys!

It was great to see Absolutely Fabulous Aus 3775 Philippa Packer and Dean McAullay sail from RFBYC and compete with Flashpoint, Yes, No Maybe, Spot the Difference, Ffancy Classique, TIE Ffighter and Swift. Others seen on occasion are Faffin and A-Squared, that was until they tied themselves up in strings!

New crews Justin, Andy and Gordon all sailing well, showing great form on the water. Results and photos by Rick Stewart Photography.

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