Pre-Season Regatta 25 September 2016

The start of the Flying Fifteen season is upon us with the Invitation Pre-Season Regatta held at South of Peth Yacht Club Sunday 25 September. We saw plenty of new faces out on the water for the last Solo Series creating havoc for those who had sailed the whole series battling for results!

Download the Pre-Season Regatta NOR with Kim Peaker stepping up as Race Officer. It is anticipated first warning signal will be at 0955. Enter online

Results of the Solo Series can be viewed on the SofPYC website. Congratulations to Fflashpoint Peter Rooke and Martin Arrowsmith 1st, Faffin Carl and Kristine Pettersson 2nd and Yes, No, Maybe Jennifer Sims and Any Cross 3rd.  Thank you Tim Cross for standing in to help skipper Ben Roadhouse out on Tie Fighter.




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