
SOPYC Fleet Report February 5th 2019

A variety of conditions met our fleet on Sunday with a dying easterly to kick off race 1 and then a fresh sea breeze made a busy afternoon for the mark layers and race officers. Hector was back to do all the work for Greg on board Spot the difference and they had a couple of very close finishes with Nic and Brad sailing Ineffable. Lots of results to be found at the usual place.

How many skippers does it take to get a kite down? More than 2 if lads on ROFFL are any guide. Seems a minor malfunction at the bottom mark turned epic for Sandy and Greg when Greg, now an ex-skipper, had to venture forward of the mast and found there was not much “non” in the non-skid resulting in a man overboard drill.

No surprises on Saturday night at the annual Curry Night. The food was fantastic making it pretty obvious that some people put as much into their cooking as their sailing! A casual game of noodle hockey was organised after dinner and it was quite sedate until ‘The Enforcer’ Trish Swinton teamed up with Peter Emby and swept all before them to win the knock-out tournament.

A larger than normal fleet is expected for next Sunday’s Club Championship. Start time of 1325hrs.

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