Boats and Gear for Sale/Wanted

2024 State Titles Fleet in the boat park at RFBYC

Post details below to FFI-WA of your Flying Fifteen for sale or wanted items. Your information will be received and updated by our webmaster.  Some hints for generating interest and a quick sale include:

  • Upload at least one photo (preferably more) of your boat.  Ideally, at least one of those photos should be in landscape format, and 3×2 format is preferred
  • Include a price for the boat – even if this is only indicative, it gives potential purchasers some idea of how much you are prepared to sell for, and avoids them wasting both your and their time
  • Include details such as:
    • The hull manufacturer (e.g. Ovington, SailPower etc.) and the mould, if known.
    • The hull construction type (e.g. Carbon Fibre, GRP etc.)
    • The number and types of sails included (and an idea of their condition)
    • The number and types of spars to be included
    • Whether the boat is to be sold with a trailer or jinker, and if so, details of this (for example, whether it is road-registered)
    • Any other equipment to be sold with the boat (e.g. TackTick, boat covers etc.)
    • Any other items of information that would be helpful for a potential purchaser.

When your item(s) are sold contact us to advise of the completed sale. Our webmaster will remove your advertisement.

Advertisements on this web site do not indicate that Flying Fifteen International Western Australia (Inc) has inspected the boats or equipment or has any knowledge of the authenticity of the advertisement.

FFIWA cannot recommend or guarantee the boats or equipment advertised, and cannot accept any liability for any resulting purchases.  We recommend that purchasers validate any information provided directly with the vendor.

    Your Name (required)

    Your Email (required)

    For Sale/Wanted

    Subject/Boat Name and Sail Number



    Your Contact Details (for publication in the ad)

    Select photos to upload (max size 2MB per photo; max 25MB in total; gif, png or jpg accepted):