Young guns sailing Flying Fifteens

The final Flying Fifteen Invitation Solo Series race is this Sunday 11 September at SoPYC. If you would like to sail, registration is at 11:15 am at the club. Racing begins at 12:30.
Series four saw RFBYC boat ‘Glamour Buoys’ venture up river sailed by Dragon sailors Peter Botman and Ethan Prieto-low. Grant Box was seen filling in for Tim Putt as crew on ‘Tie Fighter’ and Emily Pettersson helming with her mother on ‘Kerfuffle’.
Peter Rooke was out testing a set of new sails along with ‘Faffin’ with local sailmaker Brad Sheridan tuning the boat to make it go faster.
Who will we see this Sunday? Results from previous series can be viewed at the SoPYC website.


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