
Tally Hobbs Regatta – November 26th 2017

The great thing about sailing in a light easterly breeze is that everyone gets to be in the lead at some
point of the race. And minutes later, you can be watching the whole fleet sail past and be left
wondering what might have been. So it was on Sunday morning for the annual Tally Hobbs Regatta
which is a series of 5 short races to celebrate Tally Hobbs, the man who introduced the Flying Fifteen
to Western Australia.

The visitors from Freshie arrived late, the breeze left early but we still got 4 races completed and
then gathered around the BBQ and the esky to compare notes. Nick and Brian ( Ineffable ) won 3
races and, therefore, the series. John and Tony ( She who must be obeyed ) were second overall and
Tim and Plonky (Ffollow Us) were third. Full results are on the SOPYC web page. Thanks to RO Les
and the start team for an entertaining morning.

Russel Dawe

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